Our band logo, a drawing of a man playing an old tuba, with a boy listening. Text image saying Friends of Old World Music, a Texas non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, home of Kovanda's Czech Band
Our band logo, a drawing of a man playing an old tuba, with a boy listening, and the name of our charity.

Kovanda's Czech Band 2005 Calendar of Events!

March 19, 2005 (Saturday)
Louisiana Czech Heritage Association
We will play 6PM to 10PM
Libuse, Louisiana
April 16, 2005 (Saturday)
Private Party
April 27, 2005 (Wednesday)
6:30pm, Treemont Retirement Center
2501 Westerland Drive, Houston, Texas
April 30, 2005 (Saturday)
Texana Outback Day. We play 1pm.
Courthouse Lawn, Edna, Texas
May 14, 2005 (Saturday)
Texas Czech Heritage and Cultural Center, La Grange, Texas
We play in the afternoon.
June 26 2005 (Sunday)
We play about 11AM-1PM for the Fayetteville Brethren Church
Ellinger Chamber of Commerce Hall, Ellinger, Texas
X July 15 2005 (Friday) - cancelled because of mud from all the rain that week
Missouri City Parks and Recreation Summer Concert series
7-9 p.m. at Community Park, 1700 Glenn Lakes Lane
Missouri City, Texas
September 4, 2005 (Sunday)
Sacred Heart Catholic Church Picnic
Knights of Columbus Hall, Hallettsville, Texas
We play 11AM-1PM.
September 10, 2005 (Second Saturday)
The 21st annual Kolache Festival
10AM, South Stage (Corner of Buck & Echols St.)
Caldwell, Texas
X September 25, 2005 (Sunday)
We very much regret being unable to perform at the Wendish Fest this year as planned.
While we were personally spared the brunt of Hurricane Rita, the evacuations meant enough of us were in scattered locations with depleted gasoline supplies to make it impossible to perform. We look forward to seeing you at next year's Wendish Fest, and our hearts go out to all those whose lives were so seriously affected by Rita and Katrina this year.
Texas Wendish Heritage Society
Seventeenth Annual Wendish Fest
Wendish Heritage Museum (tel. 979-366-2441)
Serbin, Texas
We play 11:15AM - 2:15PM
October 8, 2005 (Saturday)
We play 11AM-1PM for the Fayetteville Brethren Church
Ellinger Chamber of Commerce Hall, Ellinger, Texas
October 22, 2005 (Saturday)
Fall Festival at St. Stephen's United Methodist Church
We play 11:30AM-Noon and 12:30-1PM
2003 W. 43rd Street, Houston
October 30, 2005 (Sunday)
Octoberfest Dance
Crescent Hall, Wharton County Fairgrounds
We play 3PM - 6:30PM
The fairgrounds are located at the intersection of FM 960 and FM 961
near Wharton and El Campo, Texas.
November 5, 2005 (Saturday)
Austin Czech Historical Association Czech Night
Westwood Country Club
3808 West 35th Street, Austin, Texas 78703
We play 6:30PM to about 10:30PM
December 7, 2005 (Wednesday)
6:30pm, Treemont Retirement Center
2501 Westerland Drive, Houston, Texas